Shadow IT usage statistics


Statistics related to shadow IT usage

The prevalence of shadow IT in the workplace is astonishing as it depicts a significant number of employees utilizing unapproved software. Anticipate an increase in these figures as more cloud-based software becomes accessible.
of employees confess to using SaaS applications at work without IT approval.
0 %
The estimated usage of shadow IT cloud is 10 times the acknowledged cloud usage.
The typical company has 975 unidentified cloud services.
Over 108 recognized cloud services are present in most companies.
of workers state that they have to sidestep their company’s security policy to accomplish their work.
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Almost 21% of companies lack a policy addressing the utilization of new technology.
of teams are implementing their own collaborative tools within an organization.
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of teams have objected to IT or management's decisions regarding collaborative tool selections.
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of surveyed professionals think that their organization could benefit by adopting shadow IT solutions.
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Yearly licensing waste roughly result in $34 billion between the US and UK.
Software licenses are used only once a month by 8%.
Items without a definite owner, contract, or approval constitute 10-15% of a company's tech stack.

Shadow IT security risk statistics

Shadow IT poses significant security risks, with data leaks as the primary concern. Unauthorized use of software can lead to substantial losses through data leaks, potentially costing a company millions in damages and hefty sums to restore the leaked data. Thus, it’s crucial to consult with your IT department before utilizing any new software.
of employees perceive unapproved technology adoption as a severe threat to company security.
0 %

Additionally, 28% of IT leaders employ SaaS management tools to monitor shadow IT, enabling them to safeguard data and systems appropriately.

of IT professionals disclosed that employees had stored company data via unauthorized cloud services, while a third of respondents viewed security as the top concern when transitioning to cloud services.
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Meanwhile, a third of respondents viewed security as the top concern when transitioning to cloud services, with 83% of IT professionals disclosing that employees had stored company data via unauthorized cloud services.
of individuals predict that shadow IT will escalate as a security issue within their companies.
0 %

Shadow IT cost statistics

Within any large-scale organization, it is common to allocate a budget for software tailored to various departmental needs. However, these organizations fail in assigning budgets to shadow IT, leading to misappropriated funds.

of respondents indicated that overspending on IT was their second biggest concern related to the emergence of shadow IT.
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urthermore, between 20%-40% of the total enterprise technology funding is currently spent outside of the IT department's control.
EMC's recent research infers an annual cost of $1.7 trillion as a result of data loss and downtime triggered by breaches in shadow IT security.

Shadow IT popularity is growing everyday

As an increasing number of companies grapple with the proliferation of shadow IT software choices, the ability to monitor usage within your organization has become paramount.