SaaS Discovery Drives Visibility and Insights into Your Portfolio


SaaS Discovery is a powerful tool that drives visibility and provides a comprehensive view of an organization’s SaaS ecosystem. By leveraging SaaS Discovery, companies can gain insight into various aspects of their software-as-a-service (SaaS) landscape and make informed decisions.

One key benefit of SaaS Discovery is its ability to identify and mitigate security risks. By analyzing the usage and permissions of different SaaS applications, security teams can gain a better understanding of vulnerabilities and potential blind spots. This helps them implement appropriate security controls and ensure that sensitive data is protected.

Another area where SaaS Discovery drives visibility is compliance. With the increasing number of regulations and data protection laws, it is crucial for organizations to have a clear understanding of their SaaS application usage and ensure compliance. SaaS Discovery provides a centralized source of truth for application usage, making it easier to identify redundant applications or unused licenses, thereby helping companies optimize their SaaS management.

Login activity and permissions are also crucial aspects that SaaS Discovery brings into focus. By monitoring user activity and engagement, companies can gain insights into how employees are utilizing SaaS applications, identify any unauthorized access, or enforce secure access through single sign-on systems. This helps in creating a secure environment for individual employees and safeguarding the organization from potential security threats.

In conclusion, SaaS Discovery provides actionable visibility and insights into an organization’s SaaS portfolio. By understanding the usage, security risks, compliance, and user activity, businesses can make informed decisions, optimize their SaaS ecosystem, and ensure a secure and efficient software environment.

What is SaaS Discovery?

SaaS Discovery is an essential tool for effectively managing SaaS applications within an organization. It is designed to automatically identify and track the usage of various SaaS applications throughout the company, providing valuable insights and visibility into the application landscape.

One of the key features of SaaS Discovery is its ability to automatically detect employee sign-ups to different SaaS applications. This ensures that no shadow IT is left unnoticed, and all applications are accounted for in the organization’s IT ecosystem.

Furthermore, SaaS Discovery captures logins and permissions, allowing security teams to identify potential security vulnerabilities or unauthorized access to sensitive data. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of the security risks associated with various SaaS applications, organizations can implement appropriate security controls and mitigate potential threats.

In addition to security, SaaS Discovery provides invaluable visibility into app usage. It helps organizations identify redundant or underutilized applications, making it easier to streamline SaaS management and optimize costs.

Overall, SaaS Discovery brings immense benefits to organizations by improving security, ensuring compliance, and providing valuable visibility into their SaaS application landscape. By leveraging this powerful tool, companies can effectively manage their SaaS applications, mitigate risks, and make informed decisions for their business.

Why Visibility is Important to Your Saas Management Strategy

Visibility is a crucial aspect of any SaaS management strategy. It provides organizations with a comprehensive view of their entire IT ecosystem and enables them to make informed decisions regarding application usage, security controls, and cost optimization. Without adequate visibility, organizations may face blind spots, security risks, and inefficiencies in their SaaS environment. In this article, we will explore why visibility is important to your SaaS management strategy and how it can drive overall organizational effectiveness.

Eliminate Shadow IT

Eliminating shadow IT is a crucial component of an effective Saas management strategy. Shadow IT refers to the use of unauthorized or unmanaged software applications within an organization, which can pose significant security and compliance risks. By gaining visibility into the applications being used across the organization, companies can make informed governance decisions and regain control over their Saas environment.

Complete visibility into Saas applications is the foundation for making effective governance decisions. It allows organizations to identify redundant applications, unused licenses, and potential security blind spots. With a centralized console, businesses can have a single source of truth regarding application usage, user activity, and user engagement. This visibility enables organizations to understand their Saas landscape, assess security risks, and optimize application usage.

The risks of shadow IT cannot be underestimated. It can lead to security issues and expose sensitive data to potential threats. It can also result in increased costs due to unused or redundant applications. With a centralized console, companies can proactively monitor and manage their cloud applications, enforce security controls, and ensure compliance with data protection laws.

Having a centralized console for complete visibility and control brings numerous benefits. It allows organizations to eliminate shadow IT, reduce security risks, and optimize their Saas management efforts. It enables informed decision-making and empowers businesses to take action, such as revoking unauthorized access or consolidating duplicate applications. By eliminating shadow IT and implementing a centralized console, businesses can enhance their overall Saas governance strategy, mitigate risks, and ensure secure and efficient application usage.

Find All Your SaaS Wherever It Lurks

Finding and managing all SaaS applications within an organization can be a significant challenge due to the prevalence of shadow IT and the decentralized purchasing process. Shadow IT refers to the use of SaaS applications without the knowledge or approval of the IT department. This can happen when individual employees or business units independently adopt their own SaaS applications to meet their specific needs, bypassing the traditional IT procurement and approval processes. As a result, IT teams often have limited visibility and control over the entire SaaS landscape.

This decentralized purchasing process leads to a phenomenon known as SaaS sprawl. SaaS sprawl occurs when an organization has a multitude of unmanaged and unmonitored SaaS applications spread across the enterprise. This can create several challenges, including security risks, data silos, redundant applications, and increased costs. Without a centralized platform for tracking and managing all SaaS applications, organizations may struggle to identify potential security vulnerabilities, ensure compliance with data protection regulations, and make informed business decisions based on accurate and up-to-date information.

Having all SaaS data in a centralized platform is crucial for easy access and visibility. It enables organizations to discover and track all SaaS applications, including those adopted through shadow IT. A centralized platform provides a single source of truth, allowing IT teams to gain a comprehensive understanding of the organization’s SaaS landscape, assess security risks, optimize application usage, and identify redundant or underutilized applications. It also enables proactive monitoring, security controls implementation, and data protection compliance. With a centralized platform, organizations can effectively manage the challenges of SaaS sprawl and ensure that their SaaS applications are aligned with business goals and IT governance policies.

From Spreadsheets to a SaaS Management Tool

From Spreadsheets to a SaaS Management Tool: Streamlining SaaS Discovery for Enhanced Visibility

Gone are the days of tracking and managing SaaS applications through manual methods, such as spreadsheets. As organizations increasingly adopt cloud-based solutions and hybrid work models, the need for a more sophisticated and efficient approach to SaaS discovery has become paramount. Manual tracking methods have several limitations that hinder organizations from gaining complete visibility into their SaaS landscape. This can result in security risks, compliance challenges, and inefficient resource allocation.

The transition from manual tracking to utilizing a SaaS management tool brings about a paradigm shift in SaaS discovery, enabling organizations to overcome these limitations and unlock a multitude of advantages. Unlike static spreadsheets, a SaaS management tool offers dynamic and continuous discovery of SaaS applications, ensuring that the inventory remains up-to-date in real-time. By constantly monitoring the SaaS landscape, organizations can identify blind spots and security threats, enabling security teams to proactively address potential vulnerabilities.

One of the key features of a SaaS management tool is the ability to create a complete SaaS inventory. With a centralized platform, organizations can effortlessly track and manage all their SaaS applications in one place. This comprehensive view provides insights into application usage, user activity, and engagement, allowing organizations to optimize their SaaS stack and make informed business decisions.

Additionally, a SaaS management tool enables organizations to track usage and spend effectively. By capturing detailed data on application usage patterns and costs, organizations can identify redundant applications, optimize licensing, and reduce unnecessary expenses. This not only streamlines processes but also contributes to cost savings.

Another significant benefit of a SaaS management tool is its ability to ensure compliance. Organizations face increasing scrutiny regarding data protection laws and regulations. A SaaS management tool assists in monitoring application access, tracking licenses, and enforcing security controls, ensuring that organizations remain compliant with applicable regulations.

In conclusion, transitioning from manual tracking methods to a powerful SaaS management tool revolutionizes the way organizations discover and manage their SaaS applications. The dynamic and continuous discovery capabilities, coupled with key features such as SaaS inventory creation, usage tracking, spend management, and compliance enforcement, enable organizations to gain actionable visibility and make informed decisions. By harnessing the advantages of a SaaS management tool, organizations can mitigate security risks, optimize resources, and ensure compliance, ultimately driving efficiency and success in the ever-expanding SaaS landscape.

Quickly Understand Your SaaS Usage and Spend

Understanding SaaS usage and spend is a crucial aspect of effective SaaS management for organizations. By gaining insight into these metrics, organizations can optimize their SaaS stack, reduce unnecessary expenses, and make informed decisions.

One way organizations can quickly understand their SaaS usage is by analyzing the utilization rate of provisioned SaaS licenses. This metric reveals the percentage of licenses that are actively used versus those that are unused or underutilized. It helps identify areas where licenses can be reallocated, potentially saving costs.

Furthermore, organizations can assess the percentage of overpayment for licenses. This metric highlights instances where organizations are paying for more licenses than they actually need. By identifying and addressing overpayment, organizations can reduce their SaaS spend and achieve cost savings.

The average annual SaaS spend varies for organizations of different sizes. Small companies with fewer employees might have a lower annual spend compared to larger enterprises. For example, small businesses may spend an average of $5,000 to $10,000 per year on SaaS, while larger enterprises may have an average annual spend of $250,000 or more.

By analyzing SaaS usage and spend metrics, organizations can gain actionable visibility into their SaaS landscape. This empowers them to optimize their SaaS stack, eliminate unnecessary expenses, and make informed decisions that align with their business goals.

Benefits of SaaS Discovery

SaaS discovery is a powerful tool that goes beyond simply analyzing the utilization rate of provisioned licenses. It provides organizations with a range of benefits that drive visibility and informed decision-making in their SaaS ecosystem. By gaining complete visibility into their application usage, organizations can identify redundant applications and eliminate unused licenses, resulting in significant cost savings. SaaS discovery also helps identify security risks and blind spots by monitoring user activity and engagement. With direct integrations and browser plugins, SaaS discovery offers actionable visibility into cloud applications, enabling security teams to enforce security controls and protect against security threats. Moreover, SaaS discovery supports compliance with data protection laws by providing continuous monitoring and ensuring secure access across individual employees and devices. By leveraging AI-powered matching models and application discovery tools, organizations can easily identify the source of truth for their SaaS applications and streamline saas management. With the rise of hybrid work models, where employees use company and personal devices, SaaS discovery enables organizations to manage and secure applications across different platforms and ensure efficient contract management. Overall, SaaS discovery empowers organizations to make informed business decisions, optimize costs, and enhance security in their SaaS ecosystem.

SaaS Discovery for Software Asset Managers

SaaS discovery solutions play a crucial role in providing software asset managers with comprehensive visibility into an organization’s SaaS tools and their usage. These tools are designed to identify and monitor all the SaaS applications being used within a company, giving software asset managers the ability to gain complete visibility over their software landscape.

With SaaS discovery solutions, software asset managers can effectively identify all the SaaS applications being used by employees across different business units. This visibility allows them to understand the extent of application usage, whether redundant applications are being employed, and if there are any blind spots that may pose security risks.

By gaining a single source of truth through SaaS discovery, software asset managers can make informed decisions about application management and security controls. They can identify unused licenses, track user activity and engagement, and ensure compliance with data protection laws.

SaaS discovery tools also provide powerful features such as AI-powered matching models, continuous monitoring, and direct integrations with SaaS applications, making the discovery process efficient and effective. As a result, software asset managers can reduce security threats, minimize the attack surface, and optimize the usage of SaaS applications, ultimately leading to cost savings and improved security posture.

In summary, SaaS discovery solutions offer software asset managers actionable visibility into their organization’s SaaS tools and their usage, enabling them to make informed decisions and ensure effective management and security of their SaaS applications.

SaaS Discovery for IT

IT professionals can leverage SaaS Discovery solutions to optimize their SaaS management strategy in several ways. Firstly, by gaining complete visibility into their organization’s SaaS ecosystem, IT professionals can identify all the SaaS applications being used by employees across different business units. This visibility allows them to understand the extent of application usage and identify redundant applications, thereby optimizing software expenses.

Secondly, SaaS Discovery helps IT professionals increase security within their organization. By gaining granular insights into application usage and user activity, IT professionals can identify potential security risks and blind spots. They can also track user engagement and ensure compliance with data protection laws, minimizing the organization’s exposure to security threats.

Furthermore, SaaS Discovery enables IT professionals to improve compliance with regulatory requirements. With a single source of truth provided by SaaS Discovery tools, IT professionals can make informed decisions about application management and security controls, ensuring adherence to compliance standards.

Overall, SaaS Discovery empowers IT professionals to gain actionable visibility and effectively manage their organization’s SaaS ecosystem. By optimizing software expenses, increasing security, and improving compliance, IT professionals can maximize the value of their SaaS investments and mitigate potential risks.

SaaS Discovery for Procurement

SaaS Discovery is not only a valuable tool for IT professionals, but it also provides significant benefits for procurement teams. With its robust features and capabilities, SaaS Discovery drives visibility and provides insights into the SaaS applications being purchased and used across the organization.

By utilizing SaaS Discovery, procurement teams can gain a comprehensive understanding of the software landscape within their organization. They can track application usage, user engagement, and license utilization, enabling them to make informed decisions on software renewal, cancellation, and purchasing. With up-to-date usage and benchmark data at their fingertips, procurement teams can accurately assess the value and necessity of each application, ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently.

One of the key benefits of SaaS Discovery for procurement is the ability to align procurement priorities with user demand. By identifying redundant applications and underutilized licenses, procurement teams can optimize software usage and avoid unnecessary expenses. This not only saves costs but also ensures that software investments align with the organization’s needs.

Additionally, SaaS Discovery helps procurement teams avoid auto-renewals and negotiate better contracts. By providing insights into application usage and user feedback, procurement professionals can identify opportunities for cost savings and negotiate favorable terms with vendors.

Regulatory compliance is another critical area where SaaS Discovery proves beneficial for procurement. By monitoring application usage and ensuring compliance with data protection laws, procurement teams can minimize risks and avoid penalties associated with non-compliance.

In summary, SaaS Discovery empowers procurement teams with visibility, insights, and data-driven decision-making capabilities. It aligns procurement priorities with user demand, helps optimize software usage, enables cost savings through cancellations and negotiations, and ensures regulatory compliance. With SaaS Discovery, procurement teams can effectively manage software assets and drive value for the organization.

SaaS Discovery for CIOs

SaaS Discovery is not only beneficial for procurement teams but also plays a crucial role in enhancing the role of Chief Information Officers (CIOs) in today’s digital landscape.

For CIOs, having central visibility into an organization’s SaaS portfolio is essential for driving digital transformation, collaboration, and innovation. With SaaS Discovery, CIOs can gain a comprehensive understanding of all the SaaS applications being used across different business units. This visibility allows them to identify redundant applications, consolidate tools, and optimize software usage, resulting in significant cost savings and improved operational efficiency.

Furthermore, central visibility into the SaaS portfolio fosters collaboration across different teams and departments. By understanding which applications are being used, CIOs can encourage collaboration by ensuring that employees have easy access to the necessary tools and resources. This seamless accessibility enhances productivity and enables employees to seamlessly share data and collaborate on projects.

In the fast-paced digital landscape, CIOs also play a critical role in driving innovation. SaaS Discovery enables CIOs to stay up to date with the latest SaaS applications and emerging technologies. By being aware of the tools available in the organization’s portfolio, CIOs can identify opportunities for innovation, evaluate new tools, and make informed decisions to drive digital transformation.

In summary, SaaS Discovery provides CIOs with the central visibility they need to make informed decisions, foster collaboration, and drive digital transformation and innovation within their organizations. It empowers CIOs to optimize software usage, enhance productivity, and stay ahead in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Types of SaaS Discovery

There are several types of SaaS discovery methods that organizations can use to visualize and manage their SaaS applications. These methods provide valuable insights into the software portfolio and help organizations optimize usage, enhance security, and drive cost savings.

One type of SaaS discovery method is AI-powered matching models. These models leverage advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze application usage patterns and identify potential SaaS applications within an organization. By using AI-powered matching models, organizations can efficiently discover and categorize applications based on user activity, application behavior, and other relevant factors.

Another approach is rule-based matching, where predefined rules are set up to identify specific SaaS applications. These rules take into account criteria such as application names, URLs, and keywords, allowing organizations to discover and monitor applications based on their unique requirements and security policies.

Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASBs) also serve as effective SaaS discovery tools. CASBs provide visibility and control over cloud applications by analyzing user activity, data flows, and security controls. This helps organizations identify unauthorized or risky applications, enforce security controls, and ensure compliance with data protection laws.

Browser extensions are another way to discover and manage SaaS applications. These lightweight add-ons can be installed in web browsers and provide real-time visibility into the applications being used. Browser extensions enable organizations to track user activity, assess the security risks associated with specific applications, and take appropriate actions to mitigate potential threats.

Finally, Single Sign-On (SSO) systems offer a convenient and secure way to discover and manage SaaS applications. By implementing SSO, organizations can centralize authentication and access control for multiple applications. This not only simplifies the user experience but also provides administrators with a unified view of all the SaaS applications being accessed, enabling better management and control.

In conclusion, organizations can leverage AI-powered matching models, rule-based matching, CASBs, browser extensions, and SSO systems to discover and manage their SaaS applications more effectively. These methods offer actionable visibility into the software portfolio, leading to improved security, optimized usage, and informed decision-making.

How a Discovery Process Drives Saas Visibility

The discovery process is a crucial step in driving visibility for SaaS applications within an organization. It involves four key steps: discover, catalog, track, and benchmark.

During the discover phase, organizations utilize various SaaS discovery solutions such as AI-powered matching models, rule-based matching, and browser extensions to identify and analyze the SaaS applications being used by employees. This allows organizations to gain a comprehensive understanding of their SaaS landscape.

Next, in the catalog phase, organizations categorize and document the discovered SaaS applications. This provides a centralized repository of all the SaaS applications being used, enabling better management and control.

The track phase involves continuous monitoring of SaaS usage and user activity. By tracking application usage patterns and user engagement metrics, organizations can gain insights into the effectiveness and efficiency of their SaaS applications. This helps in optimizing usage and making informed decisions about which applications to retain or replace.

Lastly, the benchmark phase involves comparing the organization’s SaaS usage against industry standards and best practices. This allows organizations to identify areas of improvement and gauge their performance in terms of SaaS adoption and utilization.

The increasing trend of SaaS adoption cannot be ignored, with organizations now averaging about 110 SaaS applications. Furthermore, organizations are spending more on SaaS than ever before. In this context, visibility becomes critical for managing and optimizing SaaS usage.

Utilizing SaaS discovery solutions provides organizations with clear visibility into their SaaS landscape, allowing them to identify redundant applications, track user activity, enforce security controls, and ensure compliance with data protection laws. This visibility enables organizations to make informed decisions, optimize their SaaS investments, and improve overall business efficiency.

Using SaaS Discovery to Optimize Your Portfolio

In today’s business landscape, the adoption of SaaS applications has become increasingly prevalent, with organizations relying on multiple software solutions to streamline their operations. However, with the growing number of applications being used, managing and optimizing their portfolio has become a complex task. This is where SaaS discovery comes into play. By leveraging powerful tools and technologies, organizations can gain complete visibility into their SaaS landscape, identify redundant applications, address security risks, optimize usage, and make informed decisions about their software portfolio. In this article, we will explore how SaaS discovery drives visibility, facilitates better security controls, and ultimately helps organizations optimize their SaaS application ecosystem.

Step One: Discover All Your SaaS

Discovering all your SaaS applications is the crucial first step in effective SaaS management. With the help of a powerful SaaS discovery engine, you can gain complete visibility into your organization’s SaaS landscape and make informed decisions about your application usage.

Our SaaS discovery engine utilizes advanced artificial intelligence technology to make the process efficient and thorough. The algorithm’s discovery process begins by accepting enterprise financial transactions through direct integration, tracking usage, and allowing data import via API. This integration ensures that no application goes unnoticed, providing you with a comprehensive view of your SaaS ecosystem.

By leveraging this SaaS discovery engine, you can uncover redundant applications, identify blind spots, and mitigate potential security risks. The engine’s AI-powered matching models enable you to accurately map applications to their respective business units and owners, establishing a single source of truth for SaaS management.

Whether it’s cloud applications, browser plugins, or mobile devices, the discovery engine delves into all areas to give you actionable visibility. By discovering unused licenses, monitoring user activity, and analyzing user engagement, you can make informed business decisions and optimize your SaaS usage.

In the era of hybrid work models and increased reliance on SaaS applications, a robust SaaS discovery solution is essential. It provides you with a comprehensive understanding of your application landscape, helping you maximize productivity, streamline processes, and ensure compliance with data protection laws.

Take control of your SaaS ecosystem with our SaaS discovery engine, powered by AI and built for seamless integration into your existing infrastructure. Discover, manage, and optimize your SaaS applications effectively for sustained growth and success.

Discover. Manage. Optimize. Start your SaaS journey today.

Number of Applications Being Used

In today’s digital landscape, companies are increasingly relying on a wide range of SaaS applications to streamline their operations and boost productivity. However, the sheer number of different applications being used can present a significant challenge when it comes to monitoring and managing them effectively.

Without proper visibility into the multitude of applications in your portfolio, it becomes difficult to track and assess the usage, security, and overall value of each individual application. This lack of visibility can lead to redundancies or overlap, where multiple applications perform similar functions or offer overlapping features, resulting in wasted resources and potential confusion among employees.

By gaining complete visibility into the number of SaaS applications in your portfolio, you can identify redundancies or overlap and consolidate your software stack. This not only streamlines your operations but also eliminates unnecessary costs associated with unused or underutilized applications.

Moreover, having a clear understanding of the applications being used allows you to better allocate resources, ensure compliance with data protection laws, and make informed decisions about future software investments. Armed with this visibility, you can optimize your application portfolio, maximizing productivity and reducing unnecessary complexity.

In conclusion, having visibility into the number of applications being used in your company is crucial for effective SaaS management. It enables you to identify redundancies or overlap, streamline operations, and make informed decisions that drive efficiency and productivity.

Renewals on the Horizon

Renewals on the horizon can often sneak up on organizations, resulting in rushed decisions and missed opportunities for cost savings or negotiation. That’s why proactive renewal management is crucial to the success of any company’s software portfolio.

By staying ahead of renewals, organizations can take a systematic approach to managing their software contracts. One effective strategy is to maintain a renewal calendar, which tracks all upcoming renewals and their respective due dates. This calendar serves as a centralized source of truth, allowing teams to allocate necessary resources well in advance and avoid last-minute scrambling.

Automated reminders are another valuable tool in proactive renewal management. By setting up reminders within the renewal calendar or sending automated notifications, organizations can ensure that renewals are never overlooked or forgotten. This proactive approach helps teams avoid unnecessary disruptions and potential service interruptions.

Failing to manage renewals effectively can lead to various consequences. Firstly, missed renewals may result in lapsed subscriptions or licenses, leading to discontinued access to critical software and services. This can impede productivity, disrupt business operations, and potentially impact customer experiences.

Moreover, overlooking renewals can create financial risks. Companies may continue paying for software or services they no longer need or use, wasting valuable resources. In contrast, proactive renewal management enables organizations to negotiate better terms, explore alternative options, and maximize cost savings.

In conclusion, staying ahead of renewals on the horizon through proactive renewal management is essential for organizations. By utilizing a renewal calendar and automated reminders, businesses can ensure that renewals are not overlooked and can avoid the potential consequences of missed or mismanaged renewals.


To effectively address the “Spend” heading, it is crucial for organizations to understand and manage the financial aspect of their SaaS applications. This involves analyzing and optimizing software expenses to maximize cost savings and reduce unnecessary expenditure.

One way to achieve this is through the use of spend management software or a SaaS management platform. These tools provide the ability to track financial transactions related to SaaS applications, allowing organizations to gain insights into their spending patterns.

By utilizing such software, businesses can identify duplicate subscriptions or redundant applications, enabling consolidation and streamlining of their software portfolio. This not only helps eliminate wasted resources but also simplifies management by reducing the number of systems to oversee.

Furthermore, spend management software facilitates the rightsizing of licenses. Organizations can use data and analytics to determine the actual usage of software by their employees. This information allows them to adjust license quantities accordingly, avoiding over-provisioning and saving costs on unutilized licenses.

By leveraging spend management software or a SaaS management platform, organizations can effectively monitor, analyze, and optimize their SaaS application spending, leading to improved financial efficiency and overall cost reduction.