How Much Do Companies Spend on SaaS Applications Every Year?


Knowing how much companies spend on SaaS applications every year is essential for understanding the significance of effective SaaS spend management. With the increasing reliance on software solutions, small and mid-sized companies are investing significant portions of their budgets on SaaS applications. It is crucial for these companies to have a clear understanding of their software spending to prevent wasteful expenses, identify opportunities for savings, and allocate budget effectively. In this guide, we will explore the average company’s spending on software, the importance of SaaS spend management, and how implementing the right tools and strategies can help businesses optimize their software expenditure. By gaining insights into SaaS spending trends and best practices, small and mid-sized companies can make informed decisions to control costs, increase financial stability, and drive business growth.

1. Small Companies

Small companies, defined as businesses with 0-100 employees, have seen a significant increase in their spending on B2B SaaS technology. In 2021 alone, these small enterprises spent around $145 billion on SaaS solutions, and experts predict a year-over-year growth rate of 40%.

What’s even more impressive is the average growth rate for annualized SaaS spend by small companies, which stands at a remarkable 58%. This statistic showcases the increasing reliance on SaaS solutions among smaller enterprises, as they recognize the need for efficient and cost-effective software tools to support their operations.

With the rapid advancement of technology, small companies are embracing SaaS options to streamline their processes, boost productivity, and gain a competitive edge in the market. These businesses understand that traditional software licenses often come with high upfront costs and maintenance fees, making SaaS a more attractive option due to its flexible subscription model.

Moreover, SaaS offers small companies access to enterprise-level software, previously available only to larger organizations, at a fraction of the cost. This democratization of technology allows small businesses to compete on equal footing with their larger counterparts.

By leveraging SaaS solutions, small companies can optimize their workflows, enhance collaboration across teams, and make data-driven decisions. As SaaS continues to evolve and provide advanced features, small businesses will find it increasingly beneficial to invest in these software tools to drive growth and success.

2. Mid-sized Companies

Mid-sized companies, with their employee count ranging from 100 to 1000, form a crucial segment of the SaaS market. These organizations have shown significant investment in SaaS applications, as they recognize the value and benefits that these solutions bring to their operations.

According to Gartner, SaaS spending in the enterprise, which includes mid-sized companies, is predicted to reach $195 billion in 2023, reflecting a 17% increase from the previous year. This growth trend underscores the importance of SaaS solutions in supporting the unique needs and growth aspirations of mid-sized organizations.

SaaS solutions cater perfectly to the requirements of mid-sized companies in several ways. Firstly, they provide access to enterprise-level software at a fraction of the cost. This accessibility allows mid-sized companies to compete with larger organizations on an equal footing, leveraging high-quality tools and enhancing their operational capabilities.

Additionally, SaaS solutions offer scalability and flexibility, which align perfectly with the growth aspirations of mid-sized companies. With a subscription-based model, these organizations can easily adapt their software usage according to their changing needs, whether it be scaling up during periods of growth or streamlining during lean times.

Furthermore, SaaS solutions provide mid-sized companies with advanced features and robust functionalities that drive operational efficiency and productivity. These tools automate manual processes, centralize data management, and enable seamless collaboration among teams.

In conclusion, SaaS solutions play a crucial role in supporting the unique needs and growth aspirations of mid-sized organizations. By providing cost-effective access to enterprise-level software, scalability, flexibility, and advanced features, these solutions empower mid-sized companies to thrive in a highly competitive business landscape.

3. Enterprise Industries

Enterprise industries, which consist of companies with 1000 or more employees, have been at the forefront of SaaS adoption. These organizations have recognized the numerous benefits that SaaS solutions have to offer, including scalability, cost-effectiveness, and reduced dependency on traditional IT infrastructure.

In 2021, global end-user spending on SaaS reached a staggering $146 billion. This figure is projected to grow even further, with expectations to reach $195 billion by 2023. The exponential growth in SaaS spending is a testament to the increasing popularity of SaaS software within enterprise industries.

The versatility and flexibility of SaaS applications have made them a strategic investment for companies aiming to optimize their operations and stay competitive in today’s dynamic business landscape. By adopting SaaS solutions, enterprise industries can enhance their agility, drive innovation, and achieve operational efficiency.

However, with the growing popularity of SaaS software comes the need for effective SaaS expense management. It is crucial for enterprises to have a robust system in place to track and manage their SaaS spending. This ensures that companies have complete visibility into their software costs, can make informed decisions about budget allocation, and identify opportunities for cost savings.

SaaS expense management solutions provide enterprises with centralized management of their SaaS applications, user management, and license management. These tools help optimize spend management processes, prevent wasteful spending on redundant tools or unused licenses, and enable data-driven decisions within the organization.

In conclusion, the exponential growth of SaaS spending within enterprise industries reflects the increasing popularity of SaaS software as a strategic investment. To maximize the benefits of SaaS solutions, enterprises must implement effective SaaS expense management practices to ensure cost-effectiveness and financial stability.

Why is SaaS Spend Management So Important?

SaaS spend management is of utmost importance for companies looking to maintain their financial health and achieve optimal operational efficiency. As the global spending on SaaS continues to soar, effective management of these expenses becomes imperative.

With the predicted SaaS spending projected to hit a staggering $500 billion by 2023, companies cannot afford to overlook the significance of SaaS spend management. By implementing robust strategies and utilizing the right tools, businesses can unlock substantial savings potential.

A primary reason why SaaS spend management is critical is its direct impact on a company’s financial health. By having a centralized system in place, organizations can track and manage their SaaS spending, gaining complete visibility into their software costs. This enables finance teams to make informed decisions about budget allocation and identify opportunities for savings.

Moreover, SaaS spend management enhances operational efficiency. It helps prevent wasteful spending on redundant tools or unused licenses, allowing companies to optimize their spend management processes. This streamlined approach saves time and resources, enabling internal teams to focus on more important tasks.

In conclusion, SaaS spend management is crucial for companies aiming to maintain their financial stability and achieve operational excellence. By adopting effective spend management strategies, businesses can navigate the dynamic SaaS landscape, maximize cost savings, and drive overall success.