SaaS savings calculator

Analyze your subscription stack and see how much you can save. 📊💻
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Problems We Solve
Shadow IT
Even if you’re familiar with most of the applications your business utilizes, there are always some subscriptions that slip through the cracks.
Whether hidden in expenses, misclassified in accounting codes, or overlooked due to their minimal monthly cost.
Our service empowers you to identify 100% of subscriptions in your company, providing complete visibility and control over your software.
Unutilized apps
Paying for an application doesn’t guarantee that your team is actively utilizing it.
You can monitor when each team member last accessed their applications, and receive alerts as soon as they discontinue usage; preserving essential funds.
Besides, your software provider wasn’t going to notify you about the possibility of freeing up a seat and saving money, were they?
Automatic renewals
Alright, you’ve subscribed to a new app.
Whether it’s monthly or an annual payment, the outcome remains unchanged: few application vendors will notify you when your contract’s cancellation period is approaching.
You’ll automatically detect every renewal date and receive alerts well before any unpleasant surprises.
Employee offboarding
When an employee leaves your company, they should be promptly removed from all of their subscriptions. But that’s easier said than done.
You’ll automatically assign every user the applications they have access to; and furthermore, you’ll be able to initiate offboarding processes to guarantee that when someone departs, their access departs with them.
🚀 Companies can save up to 30% on costs by eliminating software waste.